Saturday, March 1, 2008


this morning i worked some on the car, i sanded the whole trunk section down to the metal, and i chizeled out the bondo fiberglass mix that filled the rain gutter on the top of the car. More work ahead

Thursday, February 28, 2008

sum pics of it

the "low" down

Hey, this blog is going to be a countinues update of my new 95 honda civic sedan lx. ill be posting pictures, and ideas that i have. Plz give me feed back, and tips. Ill get pics of it asap, its in pretty bad shape right now, but has alot of potential, so i have alot of ways to go with this and i have a few ideas of were i want it to go, but if u have some of ur own id like to here it, so that i could take tibits of it, or put a new perspective on it.
